Modular design of the system makes it possible to deploy the system in exact accordance with the customer’s requirements and possibilities, with the alternative of its extension at any time.
- Complete order management. Records of business cases, demand procedures, price calculations, document register, order progress documentation, time and economic planning, cost control, cost centre and employee efficiency evaluation, order profitability evaluation, evaluation of business success of orders.
- Order pricing support. Price calculations of orders can be created easily in linkage to price evaluation of work, stock control, inventory and planning.
- Production efficiency monitoring. Using records of production time demands, business trip orders, monitoring of deadlines and individual order budgets, the efficiency is known in any given moment in relation to one order or to entire production.
- Order progress monitoring. In any given moment, the user has transparent information on failed deadlines, exceeded order budget or risks of exceeding the budget in the future.
- Order development prediction. Provided that proper methodology is used, DERS:IS offers valid prediction of deadlines and costs necessary to finish any given order.
- Graphic presentation of outputs. All analyses and operative control information is presented in tabular and graphic form, and can always be exported in MS Excel, MS Word.
- Centralized management of contacts. Central directory of companies, persons, record-keeping of telephone calls, meetings, post, archive of written documents.
- Simple installation and administration. DERS:IS is designed so that it can be installed by any user; system administration is very simple; system updates are performed centrally only, there is no need of update on all workstations.
- Solution for branch offices. DERS:IS supports solution on multiple branch offices of the company, provided that connection to the Internet is available with 128 kbit/s transmission capacity.
- Inexpensive solution based on central licence management. The licensing policy enables clients to pay only for what they really use. Therefore the system can be accessible to any user from any location; the licences are limited only to concurrently working users.
- Central document management. Availability of documents to all users; connection of MS Word documents with data items; document generation (contracts, orders, forms) from user-defined templates.
- Printed output variability. User-defined printed outputs, export to MS Excel, txt, html, csv.
- Communication with the economic information system. Possibility of asynchronous communication with the economic information system increases accuracy of economic evaluation of orders, production efficiency and income development prognosis as well as the costs prognosis of future period.